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Health Information Online & E-Health

Access to Resources for Community Health At Mass General - Information to assist individuals and families in actively participating in their healthcare. Last accessed 12.28.12

allHealth at - includes chat rooms, message boards, and health assessment tools. (updates 01/25/05)

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Medical Association

America's Best Hospitals  - Exclusive rankings from US NEWS Online.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  -  associated with Discovery Health Channel, contains information, innovative video streaming, personalized features (like registering for a variety of e-mail services including health news updates on topics you select), relevant hot links and related e-commerce opportunities. (added 12/28/99)

drkoop - consumer focused interactive site which provides healthcare information on a variety of subjects, as well as access to medical databases, other publications, real-time medical news, interactive communities, interactive tools and opportunities to purchase healthcare-related products and services online. Our online health network consists of affiliate relationships with online portals, other Web sites, local health organizations and traditional media outlets. This company is led by Dr. C. Everett Koop, former U.S.Surgeon General, and others who are dedicated to improving the quality of people's lives by empowering them to improve their health. (added 12/28/99)

Guideline ClearinghouseTM- (added 12/28/00) public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. NGC is sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research [AHCPR]) in partnership with the American Medical Association and the American Association of Health Plans.

Hardin Meta Directory searchable database

Healthfinder U.S. government's health information including links to online journals, medical dictionaries, and prevention and self-care information. updated 01/29/05 

Healthtouch gives links to specific health organizations.

Heart and Stroke A-Z Guide from the American Heart Association.

InteliHealth is an online information service.  Johns Hopkins is providing IntiHealth with daily news summaries related to current breaking medical research.  InteliHealth is a diverse Web Site with interactive features designed to educate and engage Internet users.  Sixteen voluntary health agency members of the National Health Council Provide educational content.

Kaiser Permanente Health Information click on <your health> and than click on <mind and body health> information on health and medical topics. posted 01/29/05 A reliable resource for all the conditions covered in this Kit. Easy-to-understand information on health and medical topics, all reviewed for accuracy by Mayo Clinic experts. Content includes information on specific conditions, management of particular chronic conditions, suggestions for healthy lifestyles, consumer drug information, first aid, specialists' answers to frequently asked questions about diseases and health decision-making guides. updated 01/29/05

Medical Matrix searchable database

MedicineNet - includes an ask-the-experts feature. 

MEDLINEplus Provides access to 500 health topics, medical encyclopedias and dictionaries, and links to self-help groups, clinical trials, preformulated PubMed searches, lists of hospitals and physicians health and information in Spanish and other languages. 01/29/05

Medscape - searchable full-text medical articles. 

Obstetrics & Gynecology Network

OnHealth - Network Co. consumer health information company based in Seattle. They are not tied to a particular doctor or health system or insurance company. Contains  information from the publishers of the New England Journal of Medicine, from Cleveland Clinic, from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and from physicians who teach at Harvard, Columbia and Stanford. They state  that  they forbid advertisers to influence or make changes to any editorial content, they do not accept advertising for alcohol, tobacco, firearms or pornography, and they learly identify and separate paid advertisements or sponsorships from health and medical content. (added 12/28/99)

OMIM(TM), Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders authored and edited by Dr. Victor A. McKusick and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere, and developed for the World Wide Web by  the National Center for Biotechnology Information. (added 9/99)

Oncolink - University of Pennsylvania's Cancer Center Resource.

Parenting Community

Tools for evaluating your health offered by Kaiser Permanente, added 01/29/05,  includes:

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force - An independent panel of experts that review evidence and recommendations regarding routine screenings. 01/29/05

WebMD comprehensive online health resource, includes:health andmedical libray, message boards, online chat and  medical news
Recommended books on information online available link

How to Find Health Information on the Internet (1st Ed), by Bruce Maxwell,Paperback - 350 pages (August 1998), Congressional Quarterly Books (Sd).

Includes directories, search engines, reference sources, conditions, diseases, and illnesses, prevention, treatment, and  health care issues.

cover of bookHealth Online : How to Find Health Information, Support Groups, and Self-Help Communities in Cyberspace,  by Tom Ferguson, Edward J. Madara, Paperback - 308 pages (March 1996), Perseus Pr.
                     A Glossary of Common Online Terms

                     Pt. I. The Basics

                     Ch. 1. Going Online the Easy Way
                     Ch. 2. What You'll Find When You Get There
                     Ch. 3. The Human Side of E-Mail
                     Ch. 4. Cyberspace Friends and Online Angels

                     Pt. II. The Commercial Computer Networks

                     Ch. 5. America Online
                     Ch. 6. CompuServe
                     Ch. 7. Prodigy
                     Ch. 8. The Best of the Other Commercial Services

                     Pt. III. The Internet and Beyond

                     Ch. 9. Internet Mailing Lists
                     Ch. 10. Internet Newsgroups
                     Ch. 11. The World Wide Web
                     Ch. 12. Other Online Resources

                     Epilogue: The Healing Computer
                     How You Can Help Update This Book
                     A Note to Health and Computer Professionals
cover of bookHealthnet : Your Essential Resource for the Most Up-To-Date Medical Information Online, by Jeanne C. Ryer,Paperback - (January 1997) 240 pages, John Wiley & Sons.

                      What's Out There
                      How to Get Started
                      Learning the Ropes
                      Consumer Health References
                      Federal Bulletin Boards: Your Government at Your Service
                      Online Self Help Groups, Email, and Mailing Lists
                      Alternative Medicine
                      Medical Resources and Literature
                      Online Periodicals
cover of bookNetdoctor : Your Guide to Health and Medical Advice on the Internet and Online Services, by Michael Wolff, Paperback - 304 pages (November 1997), Dell Book.

cover of bookCybermedicine : How Computing Empowers Doctors and Patients for Better Health Care,  by Warner V. Slack, Hardcover - 224 pages 1 Ed edition (May 1997), Jossey-Bass Publishers.

1. Providing Information to Patients
2. The First Patient-Computer Dialogue
3. The Computer as a Patient's Assistant
4. The Computer in Psychotherapy
5. The Patient On-Line
6. Computing for the Hospital
7. Computing for the Clinician
8. The Clinician On-Line
9. Confidentiality
10. Barriers to Clinical Computing
11. What Can Be Done

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Bringing Health Care Online: The Role of Information Technologies (updated 01/25/05) U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment

Report discusses the synergy between information technologies and new trends in the health care delivery system as health care is brought online. It identifies some of the opportunities to improve health care delivery through increased use of information technology, and discusses some of the conceptual, organizational, and technical barriers that have made technology's adoption so uneven. The report identifies key technologies and shows how they are being used to communicate clinical information, simplify administration of health care delivery, assess the quality of health care, inform the
decision making of providers and administrators, and support delivery of health care at a distance (telemedicine). *
Caregivers4u is an employment assistance service that provides an online resource for caregivers and elder care facilities. A resource for people searching for employment or looking to hire a qualified  personal assistant. (added 12/16/00)

CHESS Center for Health Systems Research & Analysis (CHSRA) - (added 12/21/00)

Interactive, computer-based system to support people facing AIDS/HIV infection and breast cancer demonstrates the potential of new technologies to help people cope with health problems in today's bewildering environment. CHESS, accessible from the safety and privacy of a patient's home via the Internet, has also been installed in community centers, health centers, college dormitories, and in the workplace.

Participants in the CHESS project who do not have a computer are loaned one for up to a year. By providing information, referrals, support in making tough decisions, and networking to experts and others who face the same concerns, CHESS attempts to increase patient and family sense of control, and empowers patients to be more active participants in their clinical care. *

CNN Health - (updated 01/25/05)E Health Reports - (added 12/21/00) from the California HealthCare Foundation

Health e-People: The Online Consumer Experience - (updated 01/25/05)

Second five-year forecast to map the landscape of Internet health  care. This report follows and deepens Institute for the Future's  previous forecast of January 1999, The Future of the Internet in  Health Care: A Five-Year Forecast.  That 1999 report mapped the landscape of Internet-based health care and forecast growth  in leading-edge applications based on a series of drivers and  barriers. Building on that foundation, this forecast more  specifically maps one aspect of Internet health care by looking at  a very important constituency: consumers. After describing some of the motivations and behaviors of consumers searching for health information and services online, this report maps market opportunities and forecasts the progression of health-related products and services online.*
Health Care and the FCC - (added 12/21/00)
The Federal Communications Commission hosts this page of resources about federal communications efforts in health care. The FCC has information about telehealth and TV related health issues. Through the Universal Service Administration, the FCC is encouraging the growth of telehealth in rural areas by making telecommunications rates for public and nonprofit rural health care providers comparable to those paid in
urban areas. *
Health on the Net Foundation  - (added 12/21/00)
Health on the Net Foundation (HON) is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Dedicated to realizing the benefits of the Internet, the Foundation's site facilitates access to support communities, medical resources, health care news, health databases, and other support systems for individuals, professionals, and health care providers. The HON Foundation has developed the HONcode, a code of conduct for medical and health Web sites, to help ensure the reliability and credibility of medical and health information on the Internet. *
Healthwise Inc.  - (updated 01/25/05)
a nonprofit producer of health information for consumers. Its electronic Healthwise Knowledgebase contains 28,000 pages of materials that individuals can use in partnership with health professionals to assess the severity and urgency of health problems and determine what level of care they need. In 1996, Healthwise and a variety of community partners launched the Healthwise Communities Project, which sought, in the words of Healthwise President Don Kemper, to "prove to the world that, fully empowered and encouraged by doctors, patients can improve their health care and lower costs." Self-care handbooks were sent to every home in a four-county area, and individuals also were given access to a nurse advice line, Internet access to health information, health information kiosks in libraries, clinics, and community centers, and self-care workshops for consumers and health care providers. *
Heart disease quiz - Do you know enough?" - Heart disease affects more than 20 percent of the U.S.
population. Potentially deadly, it is associated with a number of risk factors, many of them known. See how much you know about who gets it and how to avoid it. (updated 01/25/05)

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) - (added 12/21/00) October 21, 1998:Vol. 280, No. 15

Entire issue devoted to exploring the way computers and the Internet are affecting medicine. Articles address various themes, including how new technologies affect the ways that physicians learn and communicate with their patients and with each other.*
Medical Education Materials Online - (added 10/7/00)

National Council for Reliable Health Information - (added 12/17/00)

* excerpted and adapted from the © 1999 Benton Foundation,  950 18th Street NW, Washington DC 20006 USA, ph:202-638-5770, fax:202-638-5771, email:, WWW:

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